In his own words: Arts and Accessibility is A Two-Way Bridge

I am a creative.

I am a creative – my love for the arts has been a profound source of joy and a vehicle that drives me to explore further and positively impact the world around me. As a vision-impaired (VI) individual, theatre naturally made sense and these days I produce inclusive shows as a theatre practitioner. My work in the theatre shares the stage with my role at Equal Dreams , a social enterprise where I am a part of a team that provides:

  • Accessibility services such as sign language interpretation.
  • Diverse training programmes such as speech-to-text interpreting programme and disability confidence programme series. I also lead the “Audio Description: A Movie In Your Mind” programme that guides on how to give audio description for digital media.
  • Consult organisations to establish policies to promote disability inclusion, acceptance and equity.
Co:Creation Workshop Co:Founder Tan Peiling (right) guides Veronica (left), a low-vision artist, during the printmaking workshop. A piece of black paper placed at the bottom of the objects aides Veronica in identifying the materials.
Expanding Artistic Horizons for Vision-Impaired Artists

In my line of work and from my own lived experience, there are often misconceptions about VI individuals, with stereotypes suggesting that they are either completely blind or have low vision. In reality, the spectrum of vision impairment is broad, and each level of impairment presents unique challenges and opportunities. A more inclusive and compassionate society recognises these nuances and works to provide equitable access to artistic opportunities. So for me,

  • Accessibility is when we create an environment where everyone has the right and the means to engage with art.
  • Inclusivity is a societal mindset and is more complex. While society may generally agree on the importance of inclusion, individuals’ lived experiences and backgrounds can influence their approach to it.
  • Equity involves understanding the varying levels of vision impairment and ensures that opportunities are distributed fairly.

In the realm of artistic expression, the intersection of arts and accessibility forms a unique two-way bridge. This bridge not only connects individuals from diverse backgrounds but also empowers them to express themselves in ways that transcend verbal communication. For vision-impaired (VI) artists, this connection is even more profound, offering new platforms for creativity and self-expression.

Muhammad Hidayat in the printmaking session with fellow participants.
Co:Creation Workshop Experience

Traditionally, VI individuals have found their niche in mediums such as sculpture because of its tactile nature. However, the art world is vast, and there are numerous untapped avenues for these artists to explore. As I discovered one Friday afternoon with Co-Creation, one such avenue is printmaking. The workshop was the result of a collaboration between a print-based artist, Wanling Ongand a low-vision creative collaborator Veronica. In the workshop, we were asked to explore different materials and create our own tools for printing.

After making these tools, we were asked to play around and experiment with the different tools and create prints. The experimentation and sharing session was insightful (pun intended, haha!) – with many of us finding new ways of making with some finding that their newly made tools doubled as sculptural pieces.

When I attended this workshop, I also happened to be making puppets for the Inclusive Young Company semester showcase by Singapore Repertory Theatre. Originally, I had stuck to the safer and familiar options of paper lanterns, bunny ears headband and ping pong balls to create a bunny puppet, but after the workshop, I felt confident in experimenting with other materials. The workshop made me pause and consider why I did not try out other materials earlier – there was nothing stopping me but my mindset.

Hidayat exploring a range of materials in Co:Creation Workshop's inclusive printmaking experience.
Overcoming Barriers to Artistic Expression

Unfortunately, VI individuals often face limited access to art courses and workshops, especially in visual arts. Moreover, they may not always turn to visual art as a means of therapy or self-expression. Even when they do, the lack of accessible visual aids can be a significant barrier. For instance, I was able to appreciate a sculpture at the National Gallery Singapore, which was accompanied with a visual aid modelled in 3D. This provided tactile engagement that is rarely available to VI individuals.

Reflecting on personal experiences, such as trying to use plastic granules in ink painting, highlights the ongoing challenges in making art truly accessible. The granules fell off once the paint dried, making it impossible to identify different colours. In contrast, the Co:Creation workshop offered a more effective approach, allowing artists to know exactly what they placed on each stamp and visualise their printed work

Innovating for Accessibility, Embracing Creativity and Trusting the Process

To foster a truly accessible art environment, it’s crucial to:

  • Identify and implement low-cost, easily doable methods for aspiring VI artists. However, the accessibility of raw materials remains a significant challenge. Custom-ordered materials can be expensive, and factors like availability and cost often pose barriers. Innovations like scented paint, although expensive and currently UK-based, offer a sensory dimension to art that can enhance the experience for VI artists. There is potential for local companies to create more affordable versions, making such tools more accessible.
  • Allow for VI to request materials beforehand and adapt them to our needs. This small step can help a VI individual expand their creative repertoire.
  • Allow for requests to be a guided session with a Visual Interpreter. Artist Mary Bernadette Lee was my interpreter for the session, and it allowed me to contribute more efficiently and independently.

Ultimately, the key to overcoming limitations is to trust the process and remain open to new possibilities. By fostering an inclusive and accessible art environment, we can ensure that all artists, regardless of their vision, can express themselves and contribute to the rich tapestry of human creativity.

Image courtesy of SRT

Muhammad Hidayat is an artist with Access Path Productions and SRT’s Inclusive Young Company (IYC), and does programmes at Equal Dreams. Known for his inclusive and innovative approach, Hidayat focuses on accessibility in the arts, creating impactful works that promote social change. Hidayat’s art bridges communities, emphasising equal opportunities and representation for all individuals.

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