Photo Embroidery Workshop: Stitch Your Story

Photo Embroidery Workshop: Stitch Your Story

About the workshop

Dive into the world of visual storytelling and turn photographs into stunning works of art with embroidery! With guidance from expert facilitators, you’ll craft unique creations like framed prints, fabric hoops, or badges—each personalized with inspirational quotes. Perfect for sparking creativity, building connections, and having fun, this workshop is an unforgettable mix of hands-on crafting and artistic expression.

What you will be doing:

• Explore photo embroidery: Begin with an introduction to photo embroidery, a unique blend of mixed-media art and stitching that transforms photographic images into personal works of art.
• Learn step-by-step techniques: Choose photos from a curated collection or your own personal archives, explore composition, and experiment with textures, colors, and stitches to bring your story to life.
• Master embroidery skills: Practice flat and raised stitches to personalize creations like framed prints, fabric hoops, or badges, complete with inspiring quotes.
• Reflect and share: Wrap up with a gallery walk, where participants showcase their pieces and share the stories and emotions behind their creative work.
• Take home a masterpiece: Leave with your own beautifully embroidered artwork—an original creation that combines photography, storytelling, and artistry.

What you can take home (Choose from):

  • Framed A5 Print (inspirational quotes)
  • Fabric stretched over embroidery hoop (inspirational quotes)
  • Fabric stretched over badge (inspiration quotes)

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